Follow up area under the curve



In the formula


what do the "{" mean

In general, here is one way...

Select 7 horizontal cells, and array enter the following equation:


I used Range Names to refer to the X & Y data located in columns.
This gives you the 7 coefficients,

In general, knowing that you equation is:

we take the integral to arrive at the following equation.


In two cells, set x to the upper limit, and lower limit of your range.
Subtract the two values to get the "Area."

Jerry W. Lewis

The {} denote an array constant. The commas indicate new colums. If x is an
nx1 column of numbers, then x^{1,2,3,4,5,6} is an nx6 array of numbers where
the first column contains the original x's, the 2nd column contains x^2
values, ...


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