Follow up items not appearing in task list or Reminders Outlook 20


Nabeel Moeen

I have a user on outlook 2003 experiencing an issue with flagged mail items
(for follow up). he is not receiving reminders for Mails flagged as follow up
- and these flagged Items are not appering in the task list either.
I am using Outlook 2007, and I think it is a OL 2007 specific feature that
follow up items appear in the Task List - not sure though.
a little web searching identified that OL 2003 only pops reminders for
follow up Items in Inbox and I am assuming default folders, such as Sent

Unfortunately, the person having a problem is not receiving reminders for
items flagged in Sent Items either.
Any suggestions will be appreciated.


Nabeel Moeen

as it turns out, in OL 2003, if an outgoing Item is flagged, it is flagged
for follow up for the recipient, not the sender.

In OL 2007 the follow up dialog lets you choose whether it is being marked
for follow up for the sender or recipient.

how can I acheive the same in OL 2003, without having to do 2 steps, send
and then go and mark for follow up in Sent Items

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