FollowHyperLink Follow Up for Steve



Hi Steve;
Yes the call is to a function. The code fails on ActivePresentation since
there is not one, but what I don't get is that it does not fail in 2003 but
does in 2007. I created a work around by opening a presentation then
closing it back out after the call.

Let me know what you think,



----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve Rindsberg" <[email protected]>
Newsgroups: microsoft.public.powerpoint
Sent: Sunday, March 08, 2009 7:30 PM
Subject: Re: Follow HyperLink In 2003 VS 2007


Hi Shyam;

I gave it a try and it gave me global error "There is no active
presentation". All I had open was the Addin. What I find wierd is that the
origianl call works in Office 2003 even though there is no active
presentation but in 2007 it fails. I gues I'll consider it a Feature. :)

Thanks for your help,



Hi Steve;

I've installed the Microsoft Office SP3. The installation is for my wife
(teacher) and daughter (student) so my edition is for a Student, would that
matter? I just use the machine to test with. The original development was
on XP with Office 2003 if that would make any difference in the systemics.



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