FollowHyperlink then Save File



Hello -
I am writing a VBA macro and in it I open a hyperlink. I used the
FollowHyperlink method for that with no problem. However next I get
the box that pops up asking me if I want to run the program or save
it. Any ideas on how I can code it to save to a specified folder
without that box popping up?



Is this not possible? I'm ready to assume it is impossible because I
have found about 10 different posts regarding this and not one has a
reply! If there is no way to do it, please somebody tell me so I can
stop wasting time checking for a reply!


I remember this, or a similar issue, from years ago. The reason you need to
have a pop-up asking for permission to download, is because of otherwise
your PC being open for all kinds of junk includign virusses.

Kind regards,

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