Richard Mueller [MVP]
I recently upgraded my FrontPage from 2002 to 2003. I use Trebuchet MS for
most of by web site, except for code fragments which use Courier New. Now I
notice my font in FrontPage has changed to almost all Verdana. I see several
days of work to fix this.
How did this happen? Can it be fixed easily?
All of my pages were created from the same theme (called Axis). It looks to
me like it has been modified. I think my actual web site is still OK, as few
if any pages have been modified since the upgrade. However, everything in
FrontPage looks different. I don't want to publish.
most of by web site, except for code fragments which use Courier New. Now I
notice my font in FrontPage has changed to almost all Verdana. I see several
days of work to fix this.
How did this happen? Can it be fixed easily?
All of my pages were created from the same theme (called Axis). It looks to
me like it has been modified. I think my actual web site is still OK, as few
if any pages have been modified since the upgrade. However, everything in
FrontPage looks different. I don't want to publish.