font changes during maco



I have a macro that types the caption to a letter using the following
Selection.TypeText "Customer: " & vbTab & custname
Selection.TypeText "Order No: " & vbTab & orderno
Selection.TypeText "Order Date: " & vbTab & orderdt
'end of caption
My problem is on the third line the font changes so the caption has 2 lines
in baskerville and 1 line in new times roman. I can't see why this happens.
Any suggestions would be appreciated
Thanks BRC

Charles Kenyon

Take a look at the style for each paragraph.

If they are different, you have settings in the style of the second line to
change to the TNR font style on the third line.

Charles Kenyon

See the MVP FAQ: <URL:> which is awesome!
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Thanks, that is exactly the problem.
Charles Kenyon said:
Take a look at the style for each paragraph.

If they are different, you have settings in the style of the second line to
change to the TNR font style on the third line.

Charles Kenyon

See the MVP FAQ: <URL:> which is awesome!
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