Font color


Dave Dawson

Using Excel 2k, I have this:
If intCount / 12 > 50 Then
intCount = 49.9 * 12
Selection.Font.ColorIndex = 3
Exit Do
End If

CCPayoutYears = intCount / 12

End Function...

in a function (CCPayoutYears) to compute years to pay off a credit card and
want to set the cell to 49.9 if it is over 50 years and set the font color
to red. intCount is the number of months accumulated in the loop.

It doesn't work. What am I missing?


Frank Kabel

do you call this function from your worksheet as worksheet formula. If
yes: no chance to change the format of a cell as user defined functions
can only return values but can't change the Excel environment

Bob Phillips

Assuming that this is a function called from a worksheet, you can't change
anything in a cell, only return a value. So you cannot set the font colour
from within that worksheet function.

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