Marylou said:
Hi John, I have the same problem. "marked" tasks in 2003 have the correct
font and colour. MSP2007 is not reading them and puts everything back to
black. I did not customize anything. Specifically it is "fuschia" that 2007
does not seem to see. Thank you. Any suggestions?
I just ran a quick test between Project 2003 and Project 2007. I set up
a simple file with three tasks in Project 2003. I used the Marked field
to set Text Styles with different font (i.e. not arial) and fuchsia
color. I then saved the file, quit Project 2003 and started Project
2007. In Project 2007 I opened the file and the file looked exactly the
same as in Project 2003 (i.e. all font characteristics were carried over
from Project 2003).
Why it doesn't work for you I don't know. When you say you did not
customize anything I have to take exception to that statement. Simply
changing a font while in a view, (e.g. Gantt Chart), does in fact
customize that view. With the file open in Project 2007 go to
Tools/Organizer/view tab. Is there an entry in the right hand list box
and is it the same view where the customization is applied in Project
2003? If not, then the customized view is not resident in the file
itself and that's why you are not seeing it in Project 2007. If the
customized view IS resident in the file then the problem might be
related to your specific installation. For reference, I run Project 2003
with SP2 and Project 2007 with no updates, both under Windows XP Pro. I
doubt that has an bearing on your problem but it might.
Project MVP