Font formatting of index separators


David Beamish

I am creating a two-level index. For the top level I want the headwords in
bold, but not (for those entries without a sub-heading) the page numbers.
The obvious method is to define the "Index 1" style as bold, and it is then
easy to turn off bold for the page numbers. But I can't work out how to
prevent the separator (a comma in my case) still showing as bold!

The only workaround I can think of is to forget the idea of putting the bold
font into the style definition and to embolden manually the relevant part of
each XE field code. This seems very inelegant, as well as hard work!

Can anyone do better? All ideas gratefully received!

Suzanne S. Barnhill

If I were you, I would go with what works. This will be less work in the
long run than spinning your wheels trying to find the "elegant" solution.

Daiya Mitchell

Alternatively, another functional workaround might be to Find commas in bold
and Replace them to commas not bold at the end of editing. Less hard work.

Assuming there aren't too many headwords with commas that will need to be

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