font names not displaying in font



In Microsoft Publisher 2003, I've checked the "list font names in their font"
box under "customize", but the fonts still only show up as regular text in
the pull down preview.

I've tried reinstalling publisher, but it made no difference. It used to
display the font names in their font, but after I installed some new fonts,
this no longer worked. It still works properly in Word, though. Any ideas?

Mary Sauer

Are you in web mode? Publisher will only display 11 fonts when you are creating
a web site. If you want to see them all, Format, fonts, clear *Show only Web


No, I'm in regular Print Publication mode. The pull down menu lists all the
fonts I have, it just won't list them in their own font style, no matter
whether I have "list fonts in font style" checked or not.

Is there a limit to how many fonts it can display or handle? I have about

Mary Sauer

I am a little dense this morning. I'm not sure I know what you mean. Times New
Roman has four styles in the font folder, you will only see one in the Publisher
font list. You will need to select bold, italic or bold italic. In my Publisher
font list I have 13 different Zurich choices but there are 22 Zurich fonts

Are you using a font manager? Sometimes the shortcuts will become lost and if
that happens the font will not show up in the font list.


I'm sorry. I may not have been clear.

I'm in Microsoft Publisher 2003, Print version (not web). In one of the
toolbars at the top of the page (the one with three pull down menus, "style",
"font", "font size", and then buttons for bold, italic, etc.), the pulldown
menu for "font" lists all the fonts I have avaliable. Currently, it lists the
names of all the fonts, and displays those names in Arial type. It used to
display the name of each font in the corresponding font's style. In other
words, in the "font" pull down menu, Arial showed up in Arial type, Times New
Roman was in Times New Roman type, Copperplate Gothic Bold looked like
Copperplate Gothic Bold type, etc. Now it doesn't do that.

If I go to Tools>Customize>Options, there is a check box that says "List
Font Names in their Font". I'm assuming this should control how the "font"
pull down menu displays (at least, that's how it works in Word). But no
matter whether I have it checked or unchecked, the "font" pull down menu
continues to list all the font names in Arial type. I want to get it back to
where, if I browsed through the "font" pull down menu, I could see what the
font would look like from looking at how its name displayed.

I hope that's clearer.

Thank you for your help.


Right, yes. That's what I've done.

The problem is that, even with the "list font names in font" box checked,
it's still not listing the font names in their corresponding fonts.

JoAnn Paules

At over 2500 fonts, you've probably exceeded some limit that most of us
haven't gotten anywhere near. (I thought I was bad with about 950 on one of
my computers.)

JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]

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Mary Sauer

Maybe the poster needs to use a font manager, it could be a solution. There are
several free ones around

Mary Sauer MSFT MVP

JoAnn Paules said:
At over 2500 fonts, you've probably exceeded some limit that most of us
haven't gotten anywhere near. (I thought I was bad with about 950 on one of my

JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]

How to ask a question

mothworm said:
Right, yes. That's what I've done.

The problem is that, even with the "list font names in font" box checked,
it's still not listing the font names in their corresponding fonts.


That's probably it. It happened after I installed some new fonts. Although
it's weird that it still displays properly in Word.

I'll try a font manager. Thanks!

JoAnn Paules said:
At over 2500 fonts, you've probably exceeded some limit that most of us
haven't gotten anywhere near. (I thought I was bad with about 950 on one of
my computers.)

JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]

How to ask a question

mothworm said:
Right, yes. That's what I've done.

The problem is that, even with the "list font names in font" box checked,
it's still not listing the font names in their corresponding fonts.

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