Hi Lewis;
Here's what I'm seeing here: A field seems to retain the formatting if a
paragraph style is applied to it. This seems to hold true under all
conditions. However, if I format the field directly or apply a character
style I can reproduce what you're seeing if I type into the field then
delete the characters. The formatting of the field appears to revert to the
default formatting to the paragraph containing the field - typically the
Normal para style using that default font.
This is a bit new to me because I don't recall ever having formatted fields
differently from the rest of the body text on the rare occasions where I may
have inserted a field into the text flow. Typically I format the labeling
used for the field & leave the field "as is" except as noted below. This is
a learning experience for both of us, so don't take this as absolute fact...
I'm just my expressing my initial impressions & observations.
I think what you're referring to as a "smaller text box" is the result of
the deletion -- The field contracts as you delete & once you delete all
characters the field "regenerates" to its regular size. In the case of
direct/character formatting, deleting the last character also deletes the
formatting... That type of formatting can't be retained if the text to which
it was applied no longer exists. The field then picks up the formatting of
the paragraph style of the paragraph it's in.
To avoid what's happening you can do at least two things. One is to use a
para style to format the fields. That should be retained whether the field
content is deleted or not. IMHO, that isn't the preferable way to go because
you're essentially "piggy-backing" the field's para style onto the
containing para's style... That can get a little messy
The second option I alluded to above is to put the fields in Table cells &
apply the preferred formatting to the *cell* containing the field rather
than to the field, itself. This also allows you to use either direct
formatting or a char style which won't go away even if the field content is
deleted -- the field formatting remains under the control of the cell & its
formatting can't be altered in a locked form.
That may well be another reason why I've not encountered this before... I've
most frequently followed this path. It also provides more control over the
layout & flow of the document. See if any of this works to your advantage.
If not, I'll call in 1 or 2 others who should have deeper insights.
Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac