Font recommendation?


Ed from AZ

We are currently using a Courier New 9-pt font in a report. I need to
squeeze it to change the landscape orientation to portrait.

Are there any recommendations for a mono-spaced sans-serif narrow or
condensed font that is easily readable at 9 point? I have all the
standard Windows XP system fonts.


Klaus Linke

Ed from AZ said:
We are currently using a Courier New 9-pt font in a report.
I need to squeeze it to change the landscape orientation to portrait.

Are there any recommendations for a mono-spaced sans-serif narrow
or condensed font that is easily readable at 9 point? I have all the
standard Windows XP system fonts.

Hi Ed,

I'm afraid you probably won't have much luck...
Mono-spaced fonts are usually designed so that at 10 pt font size, every character takes up 6 pt (or 1/2 pica) horizontally.

You might use Word's font scaling (Format > Font > Character spacing tab, Scale box).
Not terribly nice, but better than nothing.

Maybe if you ask in the microsoft.public.word.printingfonts group where the font gurus hang out, somebody might have a better suggestion.


Ed from AZ

Thanks, Klaus. Right now, I'm using the SimSun font, which is a bit
more condensed than Courier.

The unfortunate thing is that I'm using this in an Access report, and
I don't think Access has all the font formatting tools that Word
does. So it's got to be the font. And I figured Word people might
know a bit more about fonts.


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