Font related



What I would like to do is:

Insert fonts (to my vb6 application) from the ' symbol font file ' like
character codes ' 230, 231, 231, 232 ' in a vertical position without
any gap between them to form a tall ' parentheses '. There's no problem
inserting them with the gap but it's ugly! How do you adjust the vertical
offset to behave as a single unit or whatever to accomplish this? Any vb
code will be greatly appreciated.


Klaus Linke

Hi kol,

Set the paragraph spacing to "exactly", and the same size as the font size.

Or by macro:
Dim myPara As Paragraph
For Each myPara In Selection.Paragraphs
With myPara.Format
.LineSpacingRule = wdLineSpaceExactly
.LineSpacing = myPara.Range.Characters.First.Font.Size
End With
Next myPara

Word may still show gaps (even in "print preview"), but the symbol font is
designed so the characters fit nicely with the line spacing equal to the
font size. So the print-out should be perfect.



Hi Klaus;

First of all I would like to thank you for your respone and guidance . It's
working great; now I can build any type of parentheses thanks to you.
I have one more question to you if I may:
So I have the parentheses build say four or five symbols deep. How
do I navigate in otherwords, set the cursor position to each level from vb?
Or do I write my code as I build the parentheses ?

Best regards,


Klaus Linke

So I have the parentheses build say four or five symbols deep. How
do I navigate in otherwords, set the cursor position to each level from
Or do I write my code as I build the parentheses ?

I'm not sure what your document looks like, and what you try to do with the

You probably know already, but you can position the parentheses/accolades
with a tab.

BTW, setting the line spacing to equal the font size was pretty stupid.
Usually it would make more sense to set the font size of the symbols to the
line spacing (although you still should use a line spacing of "exactly").
Else it would botch other text you might have in that paragraph.

It isn't done so easily by macro, because Word has problems telling the font
for symbols that you have inserted through "Insert > Symbol". So you have to
get the font through the dialog:

' Select the text in which you want to fix the Symbol brackets...
' The macro then sets the font size of all symbols in the selection to
equal the line spacing,
' and sets the line spacing rule to "exactly".
Dim myRange As Range
Dim myChar As Range
Set myRange = Selection.Range.Duplicate
Dim dlg As Dialog
Set dlg = Dialogs(wdDialogInsertSymbol)
For Each myChar In myRange.Characters
If dlg.Font = "Symbol" Then
Debug.Print dlg.Tab, Hex(dlg.CharNum And &HFFFF&), dlg.CharNumLow,
dlg.Unicode, dlg.Hint
myChar.Font.Size = myChar.Paragraphs(1).LineSpacing
myChar.Paragraphs(1).LineSpacingRule = wdLineSpaceExactly
End If
Next myChar



Hi Klaus;

This is my(S.R.) and it might not to be the best but it works.
What I am trying to do is this:
| a |
| ---- |
| b |
|------ | =
| c |

My left,right barackets and with my expressions inside, my question was
shoul I draw my barackets first then write the expressions after or code as
I draw the brackets .

Please be free to make any corrections or re-write the whole thing!

Public Function RBracketW(Optional addHeight As Integer)
Dim myPara As Object
Dim xx As Integer

On Error GoTo RBracketW_Error

Set myPara = oWord.Selection.Paragraphs

With oWord.Selection
oWord.Selection.Font.bold = False
If addHeight <> 0 Then
oWord.Selection.InsertSymbol CharacterNumber:=246, Font:="Symbol",
oWord.Selection.TypeText vbCr
'/For Each myPara In Selection.Paragraphs
With myPara.Format
For xx = 1 To addHeight
.LineSpacingRule = wdLineSpaceExactly
.LineSpacing = oWord.Selection.Range.Characters.First.Font.SIZE
oWord.Selection.InsertSymbol CharacterNumber:=231,Font:="Symbol",
oWord.Selection.TypeText vbCr
Next xx
End With
'/Next myPara
oWord.Selection.InsertSymbol CharacterNumber:=248, Font:="Symbol",
'No additional height
.InsertSymbol CharacterNumber:=246, Font:="Symbol", Unicode:=True
.Paragraphs.Format.LineSpacingRule = wdLineSpaceExactly
.Paragraphs.Format.LineSpacing =
oWord.Selection.TypeText vbCr
.InsertSymbol CharacterNumber:=248, Font:="Symbol", Unicode:=True
End If
End With
oWord.Selection.Font.bold = False

On Error GoTo 0
Exit Function


MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " (" & Err.Description & ") in procedure
RBracketW of Module qstrGen2"
Resume Next
End Function



Klaus Linke

I don't have time to look at the code right now...

If I had to do it with the Symbol font, I'd put tabs after the opening brace
characters, and before the closing brace... probably using a centered tab
for the stuff in between.

OTOH, it would likely be simpler to insert an equation using the equation
editor. It offers lots of different braces, and supports putting vectors or
matrices in them.



Hi Klaus ;

I would like to use the equation editor; but honestly I don't know how.
If we go that way, don't even waste your time checking my code.
Instead, start me on using the equation editor thru vb6. If that is what you
have in your mind, I agree with you. It woud be a nice and clean job
with many options.



Klaus Linke

I would like to use the equation editor; but honestly I don't know how.

I was thinking about creating the vector manually, not programatically.
You'd "Insert > Object", Microsoft Equation Editor 3.0

Then from the toolbar that pops up, insert round braces (bottom left on the
toolbar, first item in the popup),
1-column vector (bottom right... then middle of the last row in the popup --
not directly a 1×3 vector, because the more general dialog for arbitrary
vectors gives you more options).
Enter "3" rows, then click between the elements to add the lines,
enter the vector elements a, b, c from your example,
format them in a proper style ("Vector"?) from the menu,
and you're done.

Microsoft has licensed the Equation Editor from MathType, which offers an
SDK for developpers.
I haven't ever tried it though, and don't know whether you could use it to
create the equation programmatically:

Maybe you could insert a nicely formatted vector programmatically as a Shape
(Drawing toolbar > AutoShapes, Type msoShapeDoubleBracket). If I come up
with some code, I'll post it... Or maybe somebody else has some code ready
and comes across this thread.


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