Font size changes



Why does my font size change from what I've loaded on Publisher when I
preview the website? Do I need to do something to ensure it saves the font
size? Everything seems to revert to a size 12 pt size. Thanks.


Are you using one of the websafe fonts? What font are you using? What font
size are you starting with that reverts to a 12? When you have Internet
Explorer open to preview the page, go to View > Text Size...what is it set
at? What happens if you set it to medium? Which version of Publisher?

Let's start with those questions, and see where that leads us.



Ok, I'm sorry, I should have included this information in the first place. I
am using Publisher 2003. When I created the webpages, I selected "Archival"
under the selections which is Georgia and Georgia Bold. I have also tried to
change it to one of the other selections, but the same problem occurred.
Most of my text is 10.3, the subheads are 14 and the titles/headlines are
22.5 (the point sizes were automatic based upon the style of webpage I
selected from Publisher.) When I preview the website, all the fonts are the
same size, probably around 11 or 12. The text is set on "medium". Hopefully
this information helps to further solve the mystery and thanks for your help!

Rob Giordano \(Crash\)

point sizes are for such animal as 10.3 point size for web work.

Google "web safe fonts" for fonts that will be safe to use and why.

| Ok, I'm sorry, I should have included this information in the first place.
| am using Publisher 2003. When I created the webpages, I selected
| under the selections which is Georgia and Georgia Bold. I have also tried
| change it to one of the other selections, but the same problem occurred.
| Most of my text is 10.3, the subheads are 14 and the titles/headlines are
| 22.5 (the point sizes were automatic based upon the style of webpage I
| selected from Publisher.) When I preview the website, all the fonts are
| same size, probably around 11 or 12. The text is set on "medium".
| this information helps to further solve the mystery and thanks for your
| "DavidF" wrote:
| > Are you using one of the websafe fonts? What font are you using? What
| > size are you starting with that reverts to a 12? When you have Internet
| > Explorer open to preview the page, go to View > Text Size...what is it
| > at? What happens if you set it to medium? Which version of Publisher?
| >
| > Let's start with those questions, and see where that leads us.
| >
| > DavidF
| >
| > | > > Why does my font size change from what I've loaded on Publisher when I
| > > preview the website? Do I need to do something to ensure it saves the
| > font
| > > size? Everything seems to revert to a size 12 pt size. Thanks.
| >
| >
| >


Darn...I had hoped you were using a non-websafe font, but Georgia is fine.
Also, Publisher will convert 10.3 to size 10, 22.5 to 22, etc. when you
convert the document to HTML. In fact, Publisher converts all odd sizes to
even size fonts upon conversion, but this does not explain what you are
experiencing. In fact I can not reproduce your issue, and this is the first
time I have seen this posted to this newsgroup...

So, since it wasn't the first idea. Run the Design Checker under Tools to
see if that finds a problem.

Are you having any problems with other Office applications? Do you
automatically update with Microsoft patches? Do you happen to use a HP
printer? There was a recent MS patch that broke some things, though this
issue wasn't listed as one of them. Have you installed the Service Packs
from MS?



I wondered about the same thing, but Georgia is one of the web safe
fonts.When you apply "Archival" to one of the Publisher templates it convert
the default Arial 12 point text to 10.3 for some reason. If that is
converted to a webpage, Publisher rounds it down to 10 points. Any more
ideas? I can't reproduce the issue...


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