This was working in Excel v. X, can someone confirm that Excel 2004
for Mac is ignoring font size changes in the middle of footer text:
Sub Macro1()
ActiveSheet.PageSetup.LeftFooter = _
"&""Garamond,Regular""&14This should be Garamond 14 &09
&14This should be Garamond 9"
End Sub
the font size is "09" because the help file now says use 2 digits to
specify font size. Using single digit (as worked in v.X) doesn't seem
to fix.
If you can confirm that I'm not crazy, I'll submit bug to Microsoft.
for Mac is ignoring font size changes in the middle of footer text:
Sub Macro1()
ActiveSheet.PageSetup.LeftFooter = _
"&""Garamond,Regular""&14This should be Garamond 14 &09
&14This should be Garamond 9"
End Sub
the font size is "09" because the help file now says use 2 digits to
specify font size. Using single digit (as worked in v.X) doesn't seem
to fix.
If you can confirm that I'm not crazy, I'll submit bug to Microsoft.