When you use Insert | Table, the default font is the same font face and
color as the top level bullet on the slide master. It doesn't matter which
slide *layout* you use (Title Only, Blank, whatever), the table still uses
those settings from the placeholder on the slide *master* as its default.
The default table font size, however, is one size down from whatever the top
level bullet is. For example, if I set the top level bullet in the slide
master placeholder to 44 pt, my table will default to 40 pt. That is the
next size down in the font size dropdown box. If I set that first level
bullet to 14 pt, my table will default to 12 pt., which is the next size
down in the font size dropdown box.
Since your placeholder is set to 11 pt, PPT uses the next size down for the
default table font size: 10 pt. I don't see an easy way to get 11 pt for the
default table font size, sorry.
If you were to choose the Title and Table layout and use the icon in the
placeholder to add the table, that table still uses these settings from the
placeholder on the master as its default settings.
For what it's worth, I've never seen any documentation on this, either. My
favorite way to see what's going on with placeholders and various objects is
to open a new, blank presentation, change the placeholder text to Algerian
(because it's very obvious!) and an obnoxious color, and then see what
happens when I add tables or objects or whatever. Then I start changing the
size of the bulleted text, etc., to see how that affects things. That will
often help me as I try to figure out what PPT is doing and where it's
pulling its settings from.
Once the table is created, you can manually resize the text, and of course
sometimes when you paste slides in from other presentations, manual
formatting is retained. But sometimes it isn't. Tables can also be created
in Word or Excel and inserted into PPT. Without knowing what exactly your
goal is, I couldn't tell you what is the best way to achieve it.
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