Font Size of Comment Box



As an editor, I generally edit files in the word doc. The text of my word doc
is in Times New Roman with 14 font size. For suggesting changes, I take the
help of comment option by going through Insert menu and then selecting
Comment option. When I write something in that comment box, it comes in the
font size of 10 which is too small to read. Can I increase this font size in
Word 2003 so as to make the text easier to read for my colleagues.

How to modify the Balloon Text and Comment Text styles?


Thanks Stefan, but how to apply the style uniformly across all comment boxes.
Right now, I have to select my custom style for each individual comment box.
I want that when I click Insert menu and then Comment option, the box text
should automatically display my custom style. For example: My document is in
Times New Roman, 14 size, I want the text in my comment boxes to be
automatically in Arial, 16 size.

Also let me know how to rate your reply.

Thanks again.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Creating a custom style is not the way to go. As Stefan and I have
previously explained, you modify the font size in every comment by modifying
the Comment Text and Balloon Text styles, which are the styles used by
Comments. The article Stefan referred you to,, explains how to
modify these styles.

Stefan Blom

Indeed, changing the built-in Comment Text and Balloon Text styles should

But note that Word is a little buggy with respect to the font formatting of
these styles; you may not get exactly what you want. :-(

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message

Stefan Blom

Also let me know how to rate your reply.

In the web interface, you'll see a question, "Was this post helpful to you?"
and two buttons labelled Yes and No. Click one of those buttons... :)

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message


Hello Stefan,

I want to send you a sample of my word doc to explain my point more clearly.
Can I have your e-mail id please..

(e-mail address removed)

Stefan Blom

All right, I can take a look at your file. Send it to (e-mail address removed).

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message


I have sent an e-mail to you at (e-mail address removed). Kindly look into that.


Stefan Blom

And I have received it. :)

Please note that I may not have the time to look at the attached document
until after the week end.

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message

Stefan Blom

Follow-up: As expected, I was able to modify the Comment Text and Balloon
Text styles in Word 2007 to 16 pt Arial, and it seems to display correctly. I
have now sent the document back to the OP. Hopefully it looks correctly in
the OP's copy of Word 2003 too.

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