Font to simulate a tickmark/checkmark


L Mehl

Hello --

On 2002-11-25, PeterDavey ([email protected])
posted a method to allow douple-clicking a cell to change its value, and
mentions Monotype Sorts as a font to simulate a tick mark.

Does anyone know of a font distributed with Win2000 or otherwise in the
public domain that would have a similar mark, and, how I would use VBA to
test for its value once I got it to work?

Thanks for any help.

Larry Mehl

Subject: Re: Newbie: Put CheckBox in a cell and use it to set that cell's

I use the following code in a worksheet to "toggle" the value of a cell in
the named range "sendFlags" between True and False when the cell is double

It doesn't look as nice as as a checkbox but it works OK. If you
wanted to display a tick instead of True you could for e.g. use the Monotype
Sorts font and set the value to 4.

Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Excel.Range, Cancel
As Boolean)
If Not Intersect(Target, Me.Range("sendFlags")) Is Nothing Then
Cancel = True
If Target.Value = True Then
Me.Range(Target.Address).Value = False
Me.Range(Target.Address).Value = True
End If
End If
End Sub

L Mehl

Arno and David --

Thanks for the ideas. I think I will use the "a" in Marlett for the
tickmark and blank for a blank. I like the bold-appearing look of the "a".


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