To clear up a whole bunch of maladies striking Macs and Mac
applications. for folks that are comfortable using single user mode.
Try the following:
Locate and download a piece of Software called AppleJack.
Once installed restart computer in Single User modes (Command-S)
Once the black screen comes up and the cursor blinks after a bunch of
code shows on the screen
type applejack and hit return.
Follow directions.
among items it does is remove all cache files first system; then it will
ask if there is any user caches you wish to clean. choose yes.
you'll see a list of user caches to work on for example /Users/jacksprat
type that at the cursor or prompt hit return.
If you've never done something like this it may take a while to dump all
Its recommended to do each task in order. doing this clear up a lot of
strange problems.
Other items it removes old Virtual memory files, Repairs drives at root
level, fixes permissions and so on. it does a much deeper cleaning and
repair than even disk Utilities.
One affect you will notice if you go through all the tasks is that your
computer will take much longer to load, and move from the blue screen
until all removed items are rebuilt. But afterwards at least for a while
you computer will feel snappier loading and doing task.
Daiya said:
Someone else reported this, but haven't found an answer yet.
What version of OS?
First, I would try cleaning out the font caches--try these--test after
each one to see if the problem is solved.
1. Delete the Office font cache--quit all Office programs and drag this
file to the desktop:

references:Microsoft:Office 2008:Office Font Cache (12)
2. shut down the computer. Give it a couple minutes. Boot it back up.
3. try a safe boot--look in Mac Help for information on how
I've got a problem with fonts showing up strangely in Word 2008. If I
designate a font in the font selection box of the Menu Bar a check
shows up next to that but the font which then is triggered is a
different font, usually about six below the one selected. Ditto if I
designate a font through the "font" menu. This problem does not occur
if I go through the "format" menu font selection process. Same problem
occurs in PPT when selecting fonts through the formatting palette.
This is occurring on a Macbook using 10.4.11. Any ideas?
Phillip M. Jones, CET |LIFE MEMBER: VPEA ETA-I, NESDA, ISCET, Sterling
616 Liberty Street |Who's Who. PHONE:276-632-5045, FAX:276-632-0868
Martinsville Va 24112 |
[email protected], ICQ11269732, AIM pjonescet
If it's "fixed", don't "break it"!
[email protected]