Skip - I'm in the same boat of newbies that you are and just finished a first
skirmish with fonts. The only way to get the fonts you want to use is to
create a graphic image of the text and save as a GIF or JPG (read up to
decide which to use). You can set PUB to display the choice of web-friendly
fonts only, which helps you resist the urge to use the one you want.
Do you have a photo/graphics editor that can create VECTOR files - not
raster? Paint Shop Pro does it and so does Adobe Photo Shop. Kodak won't.
After several hours of editing myself, I'd reccomend saving the fancy fonts
for headers only and resign yourself to web-approved fonts for the text.
Word Art is also tempting, but it will not display the "Art" properly unless
the viewer has the font, too. "Save as picture" is a quick route to choppy
graphics - BTDT. Don't dispair - Arial is a nice, legible font...
If you choose to go with a graphics editor, I do like the Paint Shop Pro.
You can find a version of PSP 9 or "X" through some of the cheap software
places - it's up to XI now and that one is finicky. You can also use it edit
or create some great photos or graphics and avoid a run-in with MonsterSoft.
Good luck!
The Kat