Below I have pasted my question about MS Windows fonts that I posted days
ago to MS support and it has been returned unanswered & suggested I look for
an answer here. If anyone can help me I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks
(the lengths you need to go to get info on this supposed super information
highway is truly amazing!-why can there not be an easier way to find & get
help on MS products!- rant over!!!
Message: I can find no information on font management for Windows. Does the
font folder have some defined capacity beyond which further fonts are not
recognised?If so how should I manage a large number of fonts.My version of MS
Publisher would not open the font list and so would not work properly and I
think that has to do with the large number of fonts in my font folder
(around1000).I have had to download a font manager (font frenzy-freeware-)
that restores the Windows font folder to the default fonts to allow Publisher
to work. Can you give me the information I need about using large no's of
fonts in Windows XP please? (I looked in the help files online and there was
only an article on Win95/98/2000 but nothing specific to WinXP or in general
on font management).Thanks.
ago to MS support and it has been returned unanswered & suggested I look for
an answer here. If anyone can help me I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks
(the lengths you need to go to get info on this supposed super information
highway is truly amazing!-why can there not be an easier way to find & get
help on MS products!- rant over!!!
Message: I can find no information on font management for Windows. Does the
font folder have some defined capacity beyond which further fonts are not
recognised?If so how should I manage a large number of fonts.My version of MS
Publisher would not open the font list and so would not work properly and I
think that has to do with the large number of fonts in my font folder
(around1000).I have had to download a font manager (font frenzy-freeware-)
that restores the Windows font folder to the default fonts to allow Publisher
to work. Can you give me the information I need about using large no's of
fonts in Windows XP please? (I looked in the help files online and there was
only an article on Win95/98/2000 but nothing specific to WinXP or in general
on font management).Thanks.