Fonts from Publisher 2003 not in Publisher 2007?



I have a document I created in Publisher 2003. My supervisor has a newer
version, Publisher 2007. When she pulls up the document to view it, it tells
her the font isn't available, and substitutes something else. I am using
Clarence, and it came with the software - I didn't add it or anything. So
why doesn't it show in her system?

Thanks in advance for your help.


Then I have no clue how that font got on this machine. I'll have to ask
around some more, to see how it got here and how to get my boss and I working
with the same fonts.

Thanks for your help!

Rob Giordano \(Crash\)

Install Clarance on your boss's machine.

Rob Giordano
Microsoft MVP Expression

| Then I have no clue how that font got on this machine. I'll have to ask
| around some more, to see how it got here and how to get my boss and I
| with the same fonts.
| Thanks for your help!

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