

Leslie Isaacs

Hello All

I want my report to display 0 (zero) with a line through
it, to differentiate it more effectively from O (uppercase
letter o).

In Word I can select a font called Terminal, which will do
this. In Access, however, this font is not available to be
selected in the drop-down list. Is there any way I
can 'import' this font for Access?

Hope someone can help.

Many thanks
Leslie Isaacs

Leslie Isaacs

Hello Phil
Thanks for your reply.
I have Windows2K and Access2K, and it doesn't work.
Is there anything I can do (apart from moving to
Many thanks

Allen Browne

You may find your printer has a font that includes a slashed zero. Many of
the old dot-matrix ones did.

The other alternative would be to locate a suitable font on the 'net, and
install it.

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