food web



How would I create a food web with microsoft office 2003? It's kind of hard
to do it in any program. I thought maybe someone could figure it out.


Sry, like.. if I wanted to show with word what ate what in a food chain... if
a tuna ate an anchovy, and that anchovy ate a krill beforehand, then show
that in a bunch of pictures...


Investigate the Drawing Toolbar's AutoShapes - especially those in the
Flowchart & Connectors categories. (Effective use of which requires that
they be contained within a Drawing Canvas.)

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

Keith Howell

You might like to try typing "Drawings of fish" or similar into Google to
get some stuff you can work with. I see the US Fish & Wildlife Service have
some nice line art drawings. Also don't forget there is some nice stuff
amongst the clipart

Best of luck

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