football pool template



Looking for a simple football pool template for a friendly family Bowl Game
TV party.

Bernie Deitrick


Select an 11 row by 11 column range, and format it with lines and color background, with the top row
and left-most column formatted differently. The lower 10 x 10 area are the 'boxes' that are
assigned to each guest.

Print it out, and then have the entrants choose their boxes, filling in their name or initials.
When the 10 by 10 area is completely filled, randomly choose the numbers 0 to 9 and fill in the top
row, and then do the same for the first column. Assign the top row to be the Home team, and the
first column to be the Away team. The winners are determined by the last digits of the game's
score, after each quarter, etc.

MS Excel MVP

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