footer information not visible in Print Preview mode of Vision 200



I have created a template with a macro that inserts updated file information
into the footer during Save and Save As... executions. However, when viewing
the document in Print Preview mode, the footer information is not visible.

If I print the document, the footer information is visible, but I'd rather
not waste paper just to verify the footer updated correctly or not.

Please advise.


correction: product is Visio 2002 (not "Vision 200" as mistyped in the
Subject line)

Paul Herber

I have created a template with a macro that inserts updated file information
into the footer during Save and Save As... executions. However, when viewing
the document in Print Preview mode, the footer information is not visible.

If I print the document, the footer information is visible, but I'd rather
not waste paper just to verify the footer updated correctly or not.

Is the correct printer and paper size set up in Visio?


yes, printer and paper size have been properly configured. for larger (ANSI
D & E) size drawings, I had to specifically add two separate plotters and set
them as default printers, prior to making adjustments on the Setup tab under
Print Preview.

I've learned a little more about this problem since the original post. When
opening the template file from a network share, the gdiplus.dll will crash
the application when trying to view the print Setup in Print Preview mode.
However, if I make a local copy of the template, then manipulate the Setup,
the problem does NOT occur.

As a workaround, I've done just that....make local copies of each template,
manipulated them as necessary, then saved them locally and re-copied to the
network share. It works, but the problem of opening/manipulating a file
directly from the network still occurs.

jake107 more thing. the footer information still is NOT visible in Print
Preview even when the previously described workaround is applied.

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