Footer printing in Word X for Mac



When I print a Word document the footer is chopped off. I have read
many dicussion group solutions but they never work with me. There is a
blank border around the whole page, 1.5cm at the bottom and 1cm left,
top & right. Any ideas? I have played with all the margin settings,
borderless printing, etc but to no avail. I've also talked with HP,
Apple and MS but they all say it is the others problem!

Desperate to get a long report out but footers are being cut off!

(PowerBook G4, OS X 10.3.9)

Elliott Roper

Thom said:
When I print a Word document the footer is chopped off. I have read
many dicussion group solutions but they never work with me. There is a
blank border around the whole page, 1.5cm at the bottom and 1cm left,
top & right. Any ideas? I have played with all the margin settings,
borderless printing, etc but to no avail. I've also talked with HP,
Apple and MS but they all say it is the others problem!

Desperate to get a long report out but footers are being cut off!

It is almost certainly a combination of all three. You can get footers
to work if you lift the bottom margin for your text high enough?

Make sure you have the latest PPD aka driver for your printer and check
that you have got it in place with printer utility.

You might like to prove where the fault lies with a different program.
Try fiddling the margin settings in GraphicConverter. I once got a
Brother printer to print closer to the edge than Brother said was
possible by doing that. The narrow margins stuck when I got back to

1.5 cm bottom and 1 cm for the rest is not bad for cheap printers, you
might just have to quit while you are ahead.


Hi Thom-

Contrary to popular belief (as well as what printer mfrs will admit)
the term 'borderless' printing normally applies to photographs which
are usualy printed on _smaller_ than 8.5x11 stock.

What you are attempting to achieve is the equivalent of a 'full bleed',
and the only true way to assure it is to print on stock which is larger
than your specified page size, then trim the paper to the smaller size.
Otherwise, the printer is going to wind up running its head off the
edge of the paper & doing damage to the printer internally.

Any printer needs room to 'grip' the paper so it can push/pull & guide
it through as the job prints. The closer your paper size to the max
accomodated by your printer, the more apparent the minimum margin
requirements become. Believe it or not, min. bottom margin of approx.
..57" (or 1.5 cm) is very common.

Regards |:>)

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