I need to delete all footers in a document. So i do :
Sections(1).Footers(1).Range.Characters(1).Delete for
But, when i delete a footer, Word re-create a new footer
with char(13) as value. ARghhh, beacuse for a page totaly
full, it can broke the presentation
In fact, i delete all time footers without test if there
is a footer...then, if i delete a footer which don't
exists, Word re-create too a footer with chr(13)...so my
presentation is broken
if the page is full.
So, i need to test if there is a footer. So How ?
I do : ?asc(activedocument.Sections(1).Footers
(1).Range.Text) to test the value and know if there is a
footer. Ok...But, if there is not a footer, Word, to
answer me, create a footer with chr(13) !
I do a 'Get' and Word do a 'Set' !!!! Arggggggggggggggggg
Why ????
So, i can't test if a footer exists without to start an
action of creation...
U can help me ? i am totaly lost...
Thx for help
I need to delete all footers in a document. So i do :
Sections(1).Footers(1).Range.Characters(1).Delete for
But, when i delete a footer, Word re-create a new footer
with char(13) as value. ARghhh, beacuse for a page totaly
full, it can broke the presentation
In fact, i delete all time footers without test if there
is a footer...then, if i delete a footer which don't
exists, Word re-create too a footer with chr(13)...so my
presentation is broken
So, i need to test if there is a footer. So How ?
I do : ?asc(activedocument.Sections(1).Footers
(1).Range.Text) to test the value and know if there is a
footer. Ok...But, if there is not a footer, Word, to
answer me, create a footer with chr(13) !
I do a 'Get' and Word do a 'Set' !!!! Arggggggggggggggggg
Why ????
So, i can't test if a footer exists without to start an
action of creation...
U can help me ? i am totaly lost...
Thx for help