



In a access report I print field "sales" at detail & "=Sum([Sales])" at report footer
I created another field "Commision" and "Discount" at report footer where the user will manually key in
the value for this field. Now I need to print a value of
"Sum([Sales])" - "commision" - "Discount
at report footer. Pls advise


Mark Magesen

Arvin Meyer

You'll either need to use the InputBox() function or your own dialog form to
allow a user to supply the required values:

=((Sum([Sales]) - Forms!DialogFormName!Commision) -
Arvin Meyer, MCP, MVP
Microsoft Access
Free Access downloads:

MAgesen said:

In a access report I print field "sales" at detail & "=Sum([Sales])" at report footer.
I created another field "Commision" and "Discount" at report footer where the user will manually key in
the value for this field. Now I need to print a value of
"Sum([Sales])" - "commision" - "Discount"
at report footer. Pls advise.


Mark Magesen

MArk Magesen

Thank You for your reply. Currently Text Box for Total Sales is "Text 11", Discount is "Text 20", Commision is "Text 15", Stock Leakages is "Text 16" and the net Sales is "Text 24" . I don't know how to apply these text box name in query that you have given below:-
=((Sum([Sales]) - Forms!DialogFormName!Commision) -
I beileve the text box that I used above are InputBox() function.

I need to calculate Text 24 = (Text 11 - Text 20 - Text 15 - Text 16).
If you provide me your query with these Text box, it will be a great help for me and I will understand better.


Arvin Meyer

MArk Magesen said:
Thank You for your reply. Currently Text Box for Total Sales is "Text 11",
Discount is "Text 20", Commision is "Text 15", Stock Leakages is "Text 16"
and the net Sales is "Text 24" . I don't know how to apply these text box
name in query that you have given below:-
=((Sum([Sales]) - Forms!DialogFormName!Commision) -
I beileve the text box that I used above are InputBox() function.

I need to calculate Text 24 = (Text 11 - Text 20 - Text 15 - Text 16).
If you provide me your query with these Text box, it will be a great help
for me and I will understand better.

I'm sorry Mark, I don't understand your question. There is no query
involved. The controlsource:

= (Text 11 - Text 20 - Text 15 - Text 16)

for Text 24 should work.

Arvin Meyer, MCP, MVP
Microsoft Access
Free Access downloads:

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