footers/page numbers linking to previous



I am working in a very complex document with column breaks, continuous
breaks, etc. Every time I try to get one page to conitnue numbering from
previous page it won't. And the footer heading is from the first page even
though I linked to previous page. What's up? Any help appreciated.

Also on columns I am using, the words won't fill the first column before it
starts filling the second. Help on that too, please.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Footers are linked/or not linked to the previous Section, not page. If the
Footer of the first page of a new Section is displaying the same information
as the Footer on the first page of the document, it means:

1. The Section is set up to have a Different First Page Header and Footer
2. The First Page Footer in that Section is linked to the First Page
Footer in the previous Section.

To have the page numbering continue from one section to another, you use the
Format Page Number button on the Headers and Footers toolbar and use the
Radio Button for Continue from Previous Section

For the column thing, maybe you have a Column Break inserted into the text
in the first column. Click on the ¶ button to show the various types of
breaks, etc.

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

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