footnote numbering - same footnote, new page



My document is two pages long. There are three references
in it which require footnotes, two of which are on the
first page and one on the second. Call them A, B and C. So
A and B are on the first page, C is on the second. Now, B
and C share the same footnote, but it's vital that the
footnote appear on both pages. So what I want is to have
footnotes 1 and 2 on the first page and footnote 2 on the

I can't seem able to do this - any ideas?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

You'll just have to repeat footnote 2 as footnote 3. Or, if this is in the
nature of a general note, you could put it in the footer instead. You could
even format this to look like a footnote, by inserting a superscript
reference number in the text and in the footer.


OK, thanks Suzanne. The issue is (well, it would be,
wouldn't it?) that I already have a separate footer, so
I'll just have to content myself with your first


Suzanne S. Barnhill

There's no reason you couldn't add this to the footer, though. You can have
as many lines of footer as you need, separated by as much space as desired.

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