Don't apply manual formatting to footnote ref numbers or footnote text,
Brian -- there be dragons. I have seen some awful screw-ups in people's
documents that started that way. Word's footnotes are neurotic.
FWIW, I have the following style definitions (can't remember what the
defaults are, but they are different from this, at least in relation to
footnote text):
Footnote Reference: Default Paragraph Font + Font: 7 pt, Raised by 3 pt.
Footnote Text: [my personal body text style, but for most casual users this
will be Normal] + Font 1 pt, Raised by 3 pt, Indent: Left: 0 cm, Hanging:
0.53 cm, Line spacing: at least 12 pt, Space Before: 6 pt.
The important point in this modification of the default style is that
Footnote Text is raised by 3 points. This aligns the footnote text with the
number to the left.
The other main point in these specs is that it puts the number out to the
left as a hanging indent, which is much neater. By habit when entering a new
footnote I backspace once to get rid of the gratuitous space, then hit the
Tab key to initiate the hanging indent.
And why do we have to go to this effort to produce decent-looking footnotes?
I know not.
Clive Huggan
Canberra, Australia
(My time zone is at least 7 hours different from the US and Europe, so my
follow-on responses to those regions can be delayed)
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It doesn't look terrible, imo. I much prefer it.
The styles cannot handle it in a simple manner, because the same style is
used for the numbers in text and note. That is Word's default, and you
cannot change it.
However, you may want to see here, which has some macro suggestions for
altering notes as you create them.
I want the numbers in my footnotes not to be superscripted, and I want the
numbers to be followed by a dot and a tab
(hit refresh a few times in Safari, or use a different browser)
Another alternative, for after the fact, is to put the cursor in the
footnotes, set Find to find everything in Footnote Reference style, and
Replace to apply your desired formatting or a custom character style (leave
the actual boxes empty), and click Replace All. I would do this on a COPY,
just in case. (I'm not entirely sure notes keep the links if you remove the
Footnote Reference character style, though you can certainly apply direct
formatting on top of it without breaking the note function).
You can record such a Find and Replace and turn it into a one-click macro.