Version: 2008 Operating System: Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) Processor: Intel Normally adding a footnote number automatically adds that number to the bottom of the page. A blinking text entry indicator normally allows me to enter the footnote text without any additional step.
However, today I wanted to add a footnote number after a word, and although the corresponding number correctly appears at the bottom of the page, and the blinking text entry indicator also appears ready to allow entering footnote text, yet when I try to type, nothing is entered. I must resort to a click with the mouse, then I am allowed to enter text. What has changed? Why do I now have to click with the mouse to enter footnotes? I don't like this unusual behavior, so what must I do to return Word's footnote entry to its normal non-mouse-clicking behavior?
However, today I wanted to add a footnote number after a word, and although the corresponding number correctly appears at the bottom of the page, and the blinking text entry indicator also appears ready to allow entering footnote text, yet when I try to type, nothing is entered. I must resort to a click with the mouse, then I am allowed to enter text. What has changed? Why do I now have to click with the mouse to enter footnotes? I don't like this unusual behavior, so what must I do to return Word's footnote entry to its normal non-mouse-clicking behavior?