-----Original Message-----
Footnote paragraphs do have slightly different behaviours than paragraphs in
the main document, usually in relation to paragraph marks. The one usually
encountered is the fact that the final paragraph mark in a footnote cannot
be deleted. But sometimes Word can get confused if you have been making many
changes, it seems. That includes applying formatting to a number of
footnotes (as distinct from italicizing or emboldening words within a
footnote) -- it's probably best to keep footnotes formatted only with
Footnote style (though one can modify the default style without any
problem). The exact reasons for this "sensitivity" are obscure (to me, at
any rate).
I've experienced your problem occasionally -- always in documents originated
in Windows (though many documents on which I work were created in Windows,
so the Windows factor *may* not be relevant -- though my suspicion is that
it is). Often the cause appeared to start with over-use of Track Changes by
several contributors and having Fast Saves (the setting from hell) ON in
preferences. In some cases I found that selecting the whole document EXCEPT
for the last paragraph mark (type Command-a, hold down the Shift key and hit
Left Arrow), copying it and pasting into a new blank document removed the
problem (it's the most-usually-successful method for removing document
corruption). Often, though, with intractable footnotes there was evidence of
changes of formatting etc applied within the footnote; then I had to select
the text of the footnote, copy or cut it, then paste into a new blank
document, delete the footnote reference number a new insert a new footnote
reference number. Then I selected the footnote text parked in the new blank
document WITHOUT its paragraph mark(s) (holding down the Command key and
clicking in the footnote text is the quickest way to do this), keyed
Control-spacebar to remove any manually applied formatting, copied that, and
pasted it into the footnote.
Try these ideas and post back, especially if you are successful, so that we
can all benefit from your feedback. If you aren't successful, we will need
more information from you. Tell us *exactly* what you mean by "when I make a
mistake or change my mind". What are you wanting to delete, and exactly how
are you doing it? (for example, are you seeking to select a paragraph mark
[key Command-8 to make them visible] in the footnote and delete it; is it
also impossible to delete an unselected paragraph mark with the Forward
Delete key?). Don't spare the detail!
Clive Huggan
Canberra, Australia
(My time zone is at least 5 hours different from the US and Europe,
so my follow-on responses to those regions can be delayed)
============================================== ==============
* WAIT FOR CONSIDERED ADVICE: If you post a question, keep re-visiting the
newsgroup for several days after the first response comes in. Sometimes it
takes a few responses before the best or complete solution is proposed;
sometimes you'll be asked for further information so that a better answer
can be provided. Good tips about getting the best out of posting are at
* QUERY GOOGLE FIRST: Before posting your next question, search Google
http://groups.google.com/advanced_group_search?q=group: *mac.office.word) --
the topic may have been comprehensively answered already.
* THE MS NEWS SERVER IS QUICKEST: If you connect directly to the Microsoft
news server (msnews.microsoft.com), you will see your replies within
minutes; going through your ISP's news server could take much longer, and
web-based access can also be slow -- often 8 hours, and up to several days.
For settings for the MS news server, see
or follow-on questions to the newsgroup for the benefit of others who may be
interested. If you need to send an e-mail to me directly (although that
would be exceptional), remove the uppercase letters from my address above.
E-mails with attachments are automatically rejected.
* YOUR SOLUTIONS AND VIEWS *ARE* WELCOME: If you know the answer, even a
partial one, to a question you see on this newsgroup, feel free to jump in
and answer it -- there's no monopoly on answering here, and (except for an
occasional visit by someone with "Microsoft" or "Mac Business Unit" in their
signature block) we're all volunteers! Feel free to comment or ask a
question that supplements someone else's question, too.
* COMING BACK PAYS DIVIDENDS: I've found no better way of improving my
knowledge of Word than visiting this newsgroup. I've compiled some notes
that include ideas from this newsgroup and elsewhere, and also list other
sources of information about Word. Titled "Bend Word to your Will", they are
downloadable free at
www.word.mvps.org/FAQs/WordMac/Bend/ BendWord.htm
* BACK UP NOW: If anyone is still reading down this far, here's a question:
if your settings files were corrupted right now, would you have an
up-to-date backup from which to retrieve your document settings and
customizations? It's best to back up your Normal template and all your Word
settings files on a medium other than the internal hard drive and, if you
also want to protect against theft and fire, to store them in a different
building. More information is at
www.word.mvps.org/MacWordNew/BackUpYourWork.htm and in "Bend Word to your
============================================== ==============
I've always had trouble with footnotes in my Word X documents (running
OSX 10.3.5). Whenever I make a mistake or change my mind about a
footnote (in my book, started in Windows and transferred to Mac a couple of
years ago), I keep encountering the stern admonition, "Not a valid action for
footnotes." It's usually when I want to delete something, especially excess
empty lines! I have made several vain attempts to find the rules governing
footnotes and see if I could change them, but in vain. Is there any way to dig
into those rules?
Latest problem: A short,half-line footnote, taking off from a line near the
top of the page (so there's plenty of room for it) doesn't appear on the same
page but at the bottom of the next one! How can I get it to be on the page
where it belongs? "Help" doesn't recognize this as a problem.