For "Jim/Chris"




some time ago you gave me instructions on how to randomly
sort a list of staff names for a drawing we will be
holding monthly. It seemed like it worked OK, but now
when we actually went to use it, it always brings up the
same same to start, then generates the next names always
in the same order. Here's what I have:

In the query I have the fields [AutoNumber],[FirstName],
[LastName], plus the two fields with the criteria on which
the names will be filtered, namely only those staff
members who are currently employed and who take part in a
particular program.

Using your instructions, I also entered into the Field
row: Shuffle: Rnd([AutoNumber]) and sorted on that field.
I also typed "randomize" in the debug window prior to
running the query.

As I said, although the names appear to be random, if I
close out the database, then go back into it, put
randomize in the debug window and run the query, the same
name pops up at the top, and each time I run the query the
same rotation of names occurs. Am I missing something
from your initial instructions?

Thanks! Susan

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