forbidden I ruined hta file



I kept getting a we80.cnf error on a site I made in a sub folder of a domain
containing a website
I am using infinology server
I was told to disable and re enable Fp extensions
did not work
said try don't use www. ---didn't work either
I was told to reset the folder permissions and to delete the hca access and
the vti files
delete of vti files denied (In infinology control panel)
hta. files got changed but now I cannot see any of the domain or subdomain
how can I reset the folder permissions and to what??
I am getting error now to re-create the hta files
now I have demolished another person website (access forbidden)
all the files are there though

Tom Miller

I kept getting a we80.cnf error on a site I made in a sub folder of a
containing a website
I am using infinology server
I was told to disable and re enable Fp extensions
did not work
said try don't use www. ---didn't work either
I was told to reset the folder permissions and to delete the hca access and
the vti files
delete of vti files denied (In infinology control panel)
hta. files got changed but now I cannot see any of the domain or subdomain
how can I reset the folder permissions and to what??
I am getting error now to re-create the hta files
now I have demolished another person website (access forbidden)
all the files are there though
Does that server support FPSE? If not, then part of the problem is the
server is not speaking to all the complications that FP goes through to hide
things from you in those subdirectorys. It sounds like you need the system
administrator to completely delete everything and then start over OR if they
have a backup a couple of weeks ago they could re-load that so you can start
over without having to re-build it from scratch.


Tom Miller said:
Does that server support FPSE? If not, then part of the problem is the
server is not speaking to all the complications that FP goes through to
things from you in those subdirectorys. It sounds like you need the
administrator to completely delete everything and then start over OR if
have a backup a couple of weeks ago they could re-load that so you can
over without having to re-build it from scratch.

well the site was on infinology and they do not have any tech support
(20!! unanswered tickets since Oct 30)
Also NO phone support (all mailboxes full all the time) advertised as 24/7
not one single working email for anyone in the entire company

one time in the past they re-set from their end and everything worked
so I am moving to lunarpages and will try using FP extensions there
on a file wiht only the one domain and not a subfolder
The other designer said her page works on a database and to re-create would
be difficult so i am stuck for now, lunar said they will migrate her page
for FREE and give us free 5 months to complete the changes!!

I did manage to get the sites back up by messing in FTP with the folder
permissions check boxes
but as the FP extensions are broken the forms are down at a critical time
for my client

I am not sure why FPE's are so unstable
they are a continual source of frustration
and infinology can't say enough bad things about them

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