Forbidding the change of instances


Sam Huang

I create some masters and the details are not allowed to be changed by
the users, how to prevent the instances of the masters being changed,
like text or custom attributes?

Paul Herber

I create some masters and the details are not allowed to be changed by
the users, how to prevent the instances of the masters being changed,
like text or custom attributes?

In the shapesheet for each master put
Guard( )
around any value/formula you wish to protect.

Also, select the master shape and menu
Format -> Protection
for protecting text, grouping etc.

Also, if the shape is a group then menu Format -> Behavior
and set the group behavior, i.e whether the individual shapes can be
selected first, group is first, or group is only thing that can be
selected. And choose whether shapes or group is in front.

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