Force new Excel instance



Is it possible to force a new instance of Excel to be opened when a file is
opened via VBA?

Many thanks.

Jim Thomlinson

Yes but why do you want to. Generally speaking having multiple instances of
XL running causes more issues than it solves...

sub Test
dim xlApp as object
dim wbk as workbook

set xlApp = createobject("Excel.Application")
xlApp.visible = true
set wbk ="C:\Test.xls")
end sub

Tim Zych


What problems are you referring to? I run multiple instances all the time
and as long as I have enough RAM I never run into any issues.

I much prefer opening a big or volatile workbook in its own instance. If
there are any problems with it I can just kill the process with no risk at
all to the first workbook I was working with. If the volatile workbook
should crash Excel it doesn't matter either. With 2 or 4 Gigs of RAM, memory
is a non-issue.


Tim Zych
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I want to be able to hide the updating process. This invloves opening 2
files, checking specific data in each, then copying certain data from one to
the other.

The routine will be used by a number of people, some of whom would panic if
their laptop suddenly started opening and closing spreadsheets on it's own.

Thanks for the info, Jim.

BTW, I often have multiple instances of Excel open, with no problems.

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