Jim Sheehan
Once I have developed a worksheet and specified a particular column to create
subtotals with a "Page Break Between Groups" my report prints successfully.
However, I usually print my report two-sided Duplex ( "Print on Both Sides")
and I would like a new group (i.e.. after a subtotal appears) to always start
on an odd page number. This will solve the potential problem( depending on
how many pages there are in a group) of the start of one group appearing on
the last page of the prior group.
Is there a solution to this problem?
subtotals with a "Page Break Between Groups" my report prints successfully.
However, I usually print my report two-sided Duplex ( "Print on Both Sides")
and I would like a new group (i.e.. after a subtotal appears) to always start
on an odd page number. This will solve the potential problem( depending on
how many pages there are in a group) of the start of one group appearing on
the last page of the prior group.
Is there a solution to this problem?