Force recalcualte on cell format change


S Isfeld

Need to force Excel to recalculate when the user changes the font color or
fill of a cell within the worksheet. Have a custom function the counts the
number of cells with a cetain fill or font color. Function recalcutales if
the data in the range is changed but not on a chang to the font or fill
color. How can I get Excel to recalculate on a change to the cell format?

S Isfeld

Have a limited number of format options used on the speadsheet. Added each
one to the shortcut menu that displays when I right click a certain range of
cells. This allowed me to call a function that formats the selected cell and
runs a calculate on the worksheet.

Tom Ogilvy

That would certainly be unqiue to your situation. Hitting Ctrl+Shift+F9 when
appropriate would be another.

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