Don Wiss
In a cell I call this function:
Function CalcILFPath() As String
CalcILFPath = Workbooks("CalcILF Add-In.xla").Path
End Function
Sometimes people have copied the add-in to their add-ins folder, and aren't
loading it from the public location. They then don't get updates. We want
to be able to display its location. My problem is this cell does not update
when opening the workbook. First I tried this block of code:
' force recalc on user's add-in path
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.Iteration = False
Application.EnableEvents = True
That didn't work. So I tried:
Range("AddinPathUser").Formula = "=CalcILFPath()"
That didn't work either, though I tried this a while back and I can't
remember just what its problem was.
Ideally I would have the formula in a cell and not call a user function.
But I don't know how to do this. Any suggestions?
Sometimes I get this error later in my code:
The macro "Calc ILF Add-In.xla!'Auto_Add' cannot be found.
Note single double quote. What is this error? If I press continue the code
precedes normally.
Don <www.donwiss.com> (e-mail link at home page bottom).
Function CalcILFPath() As String
CalcILFPath = Workbooks("CalcILF Add-In.xla").Path
End Function
Sometimes people have copied the add-in to their add-ins folder, and aren't
loading it from the public location. They then don't get updates. We want
to be able to display its location. My problem is this cell does not update
when opening the workbook. First I tried this block of code:
' force recalc on user's add-in path
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.Iteration = False
Application.EnableEvents = True
That didn't work. So I tried:
Range("AddinPathUser").Formula = "=CalcILFPath()"
That didn't work either, though I tried this a while back and I can't
remember just what its problem was.
Ideally I would have the formula in a cell and not call a user function.
But I don't know how to do this. Any suggestions?
Sometimes I get this error later in my code:
The macro "Calc ILF Add-In.xla!'Auto_Add' cannot be found.
Note single double quote. What is this error? If I press continue the code
precedes normally.
Don <www.donwiss.com> (e-mail link at home page bottom).