Forcing Naming conventions



I have a multi-user database where I would like any
queries created by a specific person to be named with
that persons initials in the begining. What I would
to do is have the name be

KMF - myquery

where "myquery" can be anything they choose, but the
initials are automatic.

Can this be accomplished through a macro like auto keys,
where I could do an action whenever someone tried to save

For instance, I would be happy enough if I could make a
pop-up message for everytime some one saved something new
that said "Please be sure to save this with you initials
in the beginning"

I would, however be happier, if it were forced... i.e.
instead of letting them choose the name have a pop-up
that asks for thier initials and a pop-up that asks a
title, and then something that saves the name as

initials & " - " & title

Thank you for any help you might have.



Dear Katrina,

I am assuming you are familiar with VB, if not, I am
afraid you may need to get familiar to do what you need to

If your users log onto their machines you can identify
them using the Environ("UserName") and the compare this
with a table you could set up containing UserName and

Once you have done this, you can create a form (I suggest
that you do not link it to a table) into which the user
can add their enquiry.

I have written a similar database and I suggest that you
use the date plus initials (YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS-KMF) to create
the reference in code then append the user's title to the
end. In this way the enquiries can be sorted in
chronological order and also have a unique reference.

Once the used has finished their enquiry, your code can
add it to the table using the recordset object.

I hope that this helps.


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