Form and query will not accept new records



My new form is based on one data table and four lookup
tables. After adding one test record to the form I found
that I cannot add any more records ("You can't go to the
specified record. You may be at the end of a recordset.").
I ran the query on which the table is based, and tried to
add a new record there. No dice. On both the form and the
query the New Record icon is greyed out.
The form's recordset property = Dynaset
Allow Additions = Yes
No primary key from any lookup table is in the query. All
foreign keys are in the query.
Here is the query's SQL:
SELECT tblBillOfLading.*, ShipToLUT.ShipToState,
((tblBillOfLading INNER JOIN CarrierLUT ON
tblBillOfLading.CarrierID = CarrierLUT.CarrierID) INNER
JOIN ShipToLUT ON (tblBillOfLading.ShipToID =
ShipToLUT.ShipToID) AND (ShipToLUT.CustomerID =
tblBillOfLading.CustomerID)) ON StateLUT.StateID =
ShipToLUT.ShipToState) ON (CustomerLUT.CustomerID =
ShipToLUT.CustomerID) AND (tblBillOfLading.CustomerID =

Thanks to those who made suggestions yesterday. Can anyone
tell me why the query and form will not allow me to add
any records? Please.

Van T. Dinh

The result set of your Query is not updateable (hence, you cannot add Record
in Form). Normally, you need to include the PK Fields in the Query but
check Access Help topic "Updatable Queries" which show a few techniques to
convert some Queries to updateable Queries.

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