I'm sorry Sue, the Set Item = Nothing did not work.
When I shut down Outlook and restart, the error does not happen. I seem to
be clearing some sort of memory by doing this that perhaps TS does not hang
on to - and that is why the error doesn't occur in TS.
Instead of shutting down Outlook every time I want to open a task, could
there be a way to programatically clear any memory of this sort the instant
before a task is opened?
Thank you so much for your help,
Outlook does some internal caching of items that the user opens. Usually, if
the user opens an item and doesn't see the most recent changes (e.g. the
Oppen property being set back to ""), the problem can be avoided by closing
that item and opening another item, then opening the problem item.
I don't know why you'd see different behavior on Terminal Server. There is
no setting to control this caching behavior.
Just a wild hunch, but try adding this statement to the end of the
Item_Close procedure:
Set Item = Nothing
I don't really think it will help, but somewhere in the back of my mind I
recall some scenario where releasing the intrinsic Item object was possible
and did help.
Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003
and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers