The form I created is working very well. When the user has entered the data
and SUBMITs a Confirmation page comes up and tells them what they entered and
if they want to correct anything to use the back button. PROBLEM: Form data
has already been sebt in an e-mail and saved to a file. There is no option to
accept the confirmed data and continue. There is no way to go forward from
the confirmation page.
Confirmation page should interrupt prossessing until user confirms with a
Yes, or click, or submit or something. Then it should take user back to home
page or somewhere...
and SUBMITs a Confirmation page comes up and tells them what they entered and
if they want to correct anything to use the back button. PROBLEM: Form data
has already been sebt in an e-mail and saved to a file. There is no option to
accept the confirmed data and continue. There is no way to go forward from
the confirmation page.
Confirmation page should interrupt prossessing until user confirms with a
Yes, or click, or submit or something. Then it should take user back to home
page or somewhere...