Al & Cay Grant
Hiya Folks,
I have a form that consists of mainly text boxs and have been using
(which happen to be inside tables) to get the data inserted into the
template in the right place.
However I have introduced a multi-selectable listbox. The user can select
one or
more entry in the list box. The problem with this is that I can insert the
first selection
at a bookmark, but cant have a umlimited number of bookmarks, because each
the program is run different numbers of selections can be made (although its
not normally
more than about 4/5).
What I have done so far is to insert the string and add a vbCr & vbCr so
that when the
next string is inserted it has a blank line between them.
This method is a kinda ugly way to do things. What I was thinking would be a
better way
would be to use a table, which the first bookmark is in anyway.
The basic logic of the code would be something like
i = 1 to rows.selected
n = 1
n = n + 1
next 1
The other advantage to doing it this way is that I want to be able to format
certain parts of
each string. A string might look like;
Name: John Smith
Adress: 123 Any Street
And I want to format Name in bold and John Smith in Italics. I suppose if
they are repeated
for every string I could add them and format them at the time I insert the
new row in the table?
Thoughts? Sample code?
- Al
I have a form that consists of mainly text boxs and have been using
(which happen to be inside tables) to get the data inserted into the
template in the right place.
However I have introduced a multi-selectable listbox. The user can select
one or
more entry in the list box. The problem with this is that I can insert the
first selection
at a bookmark, but cant have a umlimited number of bookmarks, because each
the program is run different numbers of selections can be made (although its
not normally
more than about 4/5).
What I have done so far is to insert the string and add a vbCr & vbCr so
that when the
next string is inserted it has a blank line between them.
This method is a kinda ugly way to do things. What I was thinking would be a
better way
would be to use a table, which the first bookmark is in anyway.
The basic logic of the code would be something like
i = 1 to rows.selected
n = 1
n = n + 1
next 1
The other advantage to doing it this way is that I want to be able to format
certain parts of
each string. A string might look like;
Name: John Smith
Adress: 123 Any Street
And I want to format Name in bold and John Smith in Italics. I suppose if
they are repeated
for every string I could add them and format them at the time I insert the
new row in the table?
Thoughts? Sample code?
- Al