Form data lookup

  • Thread starter cmtrain via
  • Start date

cmtrain via

I have a database with four tables. The Booking table has foreign keys to the
three other tables. The main form includes fields from all four tables. I am
using combo boxes for the main field for the 'three other tables'. After
selecting an item from a combo box, I would like only certain data to appear
(I will be filling in the rest of the info), some of this data is form the
corresponding table, others are from the Booking table. The form is based on
an SQL statement - an abbreviated version is:
SELECT [tblBooking].[IDBk], [tblPeople].[Client], [tblBooking].[Client_ID],
[tblBooking].[Int_ID], [tblBooking].[Org_ID], [tblBooking].[COMMENTS],
[tblBooking].[UNIT], [tblBooking].[ID_Num], [tblBooking].[DATE_IN],
[tblBooking].[DATE_EVENT], [tblInterpreter].[Interpreter], [tblOrg].[ORG],
[tblPeople].[PREF_INTER], [tblOrg].[ADDR], [tblOrg].[ADDR2], [tblOrg].[CITY],
[tblOrg].[PROVINCE], [tblOrg].[POSTAL_COD], [tblOrg].[PHONE_WORK] FROM
tblPeople INNER JOIN (tblOrg INNER JOIN (tblInterpreter INNER JOIN tblBooking
ON [tblInterpreter].[Int_ID]=[tblBooking].[Int_ID]) ON [tblOrg].[Org_ID]=
[tblBooking].[Org_ID]) ON [tblPeople].[Client_ID]=[tblBooking].[Client_ID];
Specifically, I would like the tblBooking.ID_Num to appear when I select a
client from the tblPeople.Client combo box.
Does anyone have any suggestions?

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