Form design Access 2007


Bob H

When I use the form wizard in Access 2007 to design a form; after it
completes, I find that the boxes cannot be re sized individually.
They all seem to be linked together somehow, and when I click on one box
to resize it all the boxes are re sized!
Also I don't know how to drag the labels down from above as they don't
seem to want to be moved.

In Access 2003 I can do all of the above with no problems, its just
Access 2007 which is on my work computer.



When you use a wizard Access will group the controls. Here's what you do:

Click on one of the controls, no go to the ribbon and look for the arrange
tab. On the arrange tab go to the group [Control Layout] and click on
'Remove'. This will ungroup the controls from each other and make them
moveable and sizeable...


Bob H

Maurice said:
When you use a wizard Access will group the controls. Here's what you do:

Click on one of the controls, no go to the ribbon and look for the arrange
tab. On the arrange tab go to the group [Control Layout] and click on
'Remove'. This will ungroup the controls from each other and make them
moveable and sizeable...


Thanks, but when I do that, as you say, it removes the text box and label!

Linq Adams via

There's more than one "Remove" button, I think. Did you got to the "Arrange"
tab first?

Bob H

Linq said:
There's more than one "Remove" button, I think. Did you got to the "Arrange"
tab first?

Yes I did. Under the arrange tab there is the control layout with
Tabular, Stacked and Remove. I don't see any other 'Remove' in the
Arrange tab.


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