Form displaying TreeView Control



Hi all,

I need a Tree View to display Persons where for every
person there's assigned one or more offers (I have a table
tblOffers with a SalesManID and OfferNo)

How can I build a Tree View control displaying the
SalesMan as the Parent Node and all the Offers of that
persons as child??
It is possible to display (may be as a sub-form) the offer
details when clicking the OfferNo. child node??

Please guide me on how to do this or where to find
examples. The knowledge base is not enough I need
something like step-by-step for dummies..


Henry Smith

I suggest you purchase a copy of "Access 2000 Developers Handbook" by Ken
Getz and company, published by SYBEX. This 2 volume set is available from at a discount. In this book Ken Getz provides a very good
discussion about the TreeView control. Also included is a great routine to
populate the treeview. The book includes a CD with all the databases
they use in the book and all the neat routines they use too.

The same authors have a new 2 volume set for Access 2002 Developers

Another reference is "VB & VBA in a Nutshell" by Paul Lomax, published by
O'Reilly. Treeview control discussed in depth with examples.



Thank you for your suggestion. But don't you have an
example code or web page where I can have an idea now??
Work can't wait til I get the book...

Henry Smith

Sorry I can't be of insanities help. My implementation of the TreeView
control and how it is populated and how the application reacts to node click
events is highly customized to achieve my end results. If I sent you the
code it would be confusing to you without many pages of explanation. If you
had ordered the book on Nov 21 you would only have to wait a couple of more
days to receive it. Order it now with highest priority shipping. The
investment is well worth it.


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