Form email stopped working after attaching dwt created in Sharepoi




I've tried to get assistance at the "form" forum but no luck.....

I created a web page in WSS (Sharepoint) (aspx). I then saved it as a DWT. I
then created a form in FP 2003 (html) and attached the DWT. The problem: the
form was designed to be emailed to me when it was submited but after
attaching the DWT this feature stopped working. I have looked at the code and
the section about emailing is completly missing. I am attaching the code that
is missing:

<!--WEBBOT BOT=SaveResults
S-Format="HTML/DL" S-Label-Fields="TRUE" B-Reverse-Chronology="FALSE"
S-Email-Format="TEXT/PRE" S-Email-Address="(e-mail address removed)"
B-Email-Label-Fields="TRUE" B-Email-Subject-From-Field="FALSE"
S-Email-Subject="Feedback from Myindigo form" S-Builtin-Fields="Date Time"
startspan S-Date-Format="%d/%B/%Y" S-Time-Format="%I:%M:%S %p"
--><input TYPE="hidden" NAME="VTI-GROUP" VALUE="0"><!--webbot
bot="SaveResults" endspan i-checksum="43374" --><UL>

I know very little about coding....I tried to cut and paste the ablve code
but it didn't work.

If I create a web page in FP, save it as a dwt then attach the same form -
the email function works..... I assume the issue is related to the initian
site being designed in WSS (Sharepoint).

Any assistance would be gladly received.


Tom Pepper Willett

Have you tried the Share Point Newsgroups:



(Custom Development)
Tom "Pepper" Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
FrontPage Support:

About FrontPage 2003:
| Hi,
| I've tried to get assistance at the "form" forum but no luck.....
| I created a web page in WSS (Sharepoint) (aspx). I then saved it as a DWT.
| then created a form in FP 2003 (html) and attached the DWT. The problem:
| form was designed to be emailed to me when it was submited but after
| attaching the DWT this feature stopped working. I have looked at the code
| the section about emailing is completly missing. I am attaching the code
| is missing:
| <!--WEBBOT BOT=SaveResults
| U-File="../_private/testnov07.htm"
| S-Format="HTML/DL" S-Label-Fields="TRUE" B-Reverse-Chronology="FALSE"
| S-Email-Format="TEXT/PRE" S-Email-Address="(e-mail address removed)"
| B-Email-Label-Fields="TRUE" B-Email-Subject-From-Field="FALSE"
| S-Email-Subject="Feedback from Myindigo form" S-Builtin-Fields="Date Time"
| startspan S-Date-Format="%d/%B/%Y" S-Time-Format="%I:%M:%S %p"
| --><input TYPE="hidden" NAME="VTI-GROUP" VALUE="0"><!--webbot
| bot="SaveResults" endspan i-checksum="43374" --><UL>
| I know very little about coding....I tried to cut and paste the ablve code
| but it didn't work.
| If I create a web page in FP, save it as a dwt then attach the same form -
| the email function works..... I assume the issue is related to the initian
| site being designed in WSS (Sharepoint).
| Any assistance would be gladly received.
| Thanks
| --
| Gailc

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